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 Here at Forsoul, we take doing what’s good for the soul, very seriously.
Life is full of self-growth, breakdowns, laughs, tears and lessons.
We are super passionate about self-care, particularly when it comes to taking care of what’s inside.
Your soul.
How’s she doing?
Here at Forsoul, we like to spark conversations that are deep and meaningful.
Yes, we like general chitchat, but how are you feeling?
What’s worrying you?
What makes you happiest?
Spark these conversations with those around you and we can guarantee you'll have a happier soul. 
Forsoul The Label blog


- Best friend/lover + coffee +walk
- A herbal tea + dark chocolate before bed
- Listen to a new podcast
-Pimp out your space with new candles
-Write a daily/weekly to-do checklist
-Buy a blank canvas + paint
-Paint your nails
-Take a yoga class
-Try meditating (Youtube or Headspace app)
-Go to a book shop to browse
-Take time to invest in a proper skincare routine
-Spend an afternoon researching something you’re passionate about (beauty, health, business etc.)
-Go to bed early
-Burn essential oils (almost daily)
-Follow a completely new recipe from a cookbook
-Blast your favourite song through the house
-Make a mood/goal/vision/memory/travel board for your room
-Book yourself into a professional massage/facial
-Call that person you haven’t spoken to in ages but deeply care for
-Treat yourself to new bed sheets
-Learn a new skill (salsa dancing, boxing, surfing)
-Wine + best friends + pyjamas
-Splurge on a fun bath bomb (we love Lush) and take a bath
-Volunteer for an afternoon (op shop/nursing home)
-Make a platter + invite your loved ones over
-Go on a hike
-Lay on the beach with a book
-Go on an adventure in your hometown
-Treat yourself to a staycation in your hometown
Sophia Aloui