This week we were lucky enough to sit down with the beautiful Zahvira and chat to her about her sustainability journey while living in Bali.

Can you share with us a little on your experience growing up in Bali?
I did not grow up in Bali actually, I grew up in Surabaya - the second biggest city in Indonesia. I moved to Bali alone almost three years ago when I was 24, but since I was a young girl I have always dreamt of living in Bali. Surabaya is a typical big city where sadly nobody really cares about the environment or the issues it is facing. However, when I arrived in Bali my life changed a lot and I feel like I can express myself freely and be who I really want to be without judgement. Bali also has a great community of people living here who are actively living a sustainable lifestyle.
What/who was your inspiration in beginning to live a more sustainable lifestyle?
Growing up in a big city, I was super wasteful. However, I educated myself on environmental issues and Bali really helped me learn to become more sustainable.

What has your journey toward living a more zero-waste life been like?
If you can't jump, just make a small leap. Growing up in a big city, I was really into keeping up with trends and mindless buying. The small leap I decided to take was to stop buying from fast fashion brands, start buying secondhand items, and it has nearly been 3 years since purchasing brand new clothes.
We would love to know more about your dog rescue organisation… Can you share a little more about this?
It started from my passion of rescuing cats in Surabaya, but now I am a crazy dog lady! I decided to quit my job last year as a tattoo studio manager and pursue my passion of caring for dogs. I own a small business @happypuppybali and 20% of my earnings goes to dogs in need on the island.

What is it like living a sustainable, zero-waste life on the Island? (bulk store buying, composting, etc)?
I love it! It is easier than you think, trust me! I prefer to cook all my own food to avoid plastic containers when ordering food via Gojek. I buy everything that I need from Zero Waste Bali and use empty jars as containers. When I don’t feel like cooking I always drive to the restaurant myself and bring my own reusable container. I love ice coffee and bobba, so I have a reusable bottle when I order a takeaway drink. I also like to sew and upcycle my own clothes. I feel like this is a great way to stop mass production and it looks cool too.
What are your top tips on reducing waste?
Make a conscious effort to buy things that you need, not what you want. Also focusing on buying things that are good quality, so they have a longer lifespan.

The ethics, for sure! I love how you turn your fabric scraps into hair accessories!
What is your favourite Marigold piece?
Honestly, everything! But the Sahara Red Mini Dress is my favourite item!